Saturday 23 October 2010

General Casualty Insurance Has Many Options

General casualty insurance is a broad term given to a certain category of insurance. There is no type of casualty insurance that can be purchased on its own. This type refers more to a type of liability and the types that cover liability and negligence. If you are in the market for casualty insurance, seek the advice of a good insurance salesperson to help you in your buying process.
Being the general term it is often used to describe a type of liability insurance. Liability is defined as a type of negligence that is done by a person or an organization. Casualty in this sense does not refer to just death but any type of loss.
The general insurance category applies to areas such as aviation, worker's compensation, theft and credit. These categories are the most common where a negligent act is likely to occur.
This seems like it would be a simple concept to define because of what the word casualty means. But if you think of death, that would fall under life insurance. If you think of a car accident, that would fall under auto insurance. If you think of a burglary, that would fall under home owner's insurance. The terminology is the reason why this type is so misleading.
An area where this term is thrown around a lot is within the military. Due to the job description and job requirements, military members are put in harms way more often than the average person. Even though they talk about about this term often, this is still a form of life insurance.

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